Saturday, September 16, 2006

what would i do without orkut
Orkut Orkut thats where everyone wants to login as soon as they have a system with an internet connection, and why not as it has become a place where you can express yourself or sometimes an alter ego which never would have been found out.
Where would you still be able to chat with friends who have just vanished in to thin air in search of a career which is never acheived untill the day everything comes to a stand still and you turn back and see what all has been acheived but till then you have a new destinaton with every past acheivement being a steppng stone or a milestone in the journey towards self satisfaction.
What do you do on orkut? you put up your stupid or great looking snaps(and most of the snaps are taken for orkut) as the preview to your profile then describe yourself as best you feel. then you come to the part where you create a long list of friends then you persuade your friends to increase your fans your cool factor etc but these all are trivial the most mportant thing here is the scraps which are written to one and everyone which may include just a mere hi to a long long story.
so where would i be logged onto if there wouldn't have been orkut?
and the simple answer to the million dollar question would be ""


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